Sunday, January 4, 2015

Posted by Jinx |
A name we have never heard of in our life before, but a name that many environmentalists should know and support. Democratic senator Sheldon Whitehouse from Rhode Island is a leading, vocal climate hawk in Congress. He has spoken on the Senate floor 82 times on climate issues and has expressed intentions to continue doing this until "serious action" is taken to confront the climate issue. He is up against the incoming Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell though, who has stated his top priority is "to try to do whatever I can to get the EPA reined in." Whitehouse is not flinching from this challenge, he believes that because the Republicans control Congress now, they will have to take responsibility or else it will be a liability in the 2016 presidential election.

Climate hawks are making advances toward getting elected officials into office though. In 2014, a group called Climate Hawks Vote endorsed in 17 elections (mostly in Arizona and Hawaii), winning 11 of them. This group rallies voters, reaches out to environmental groups, appears at candidate events, makes calls to support climate hawks, and buys expensive TV and print ads to support climate hawks. Founder Miller,52, has defines climate hawks as "those who prioritize and speak on the climate crisis." Miller found the group in 2008 when his house in SoCal was hit by a wildfire and he decided to act on an issue that was affecting his community and his family, his children and wife. 

I was surprised when I first heard of Whitehouse because I didn't know that there was someone in the Senate speaking to all the senators, EVERY MEETING, that the climate crisis is real and should be dealt with. He has given DOZENS of speeches in his terms of office and has continuously supported his speeches with scientific DATA. Knowing that there is somebody in Congress that keeps the climate issue a live is extremely reassuring. As long as he is in office, he will continue to give his speeches and eventually (hopefully) progress will be made to help his cause, OUR cause. 


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