Thursday, November 6, 2014

Posted by Talaial |
Hi fellow Americans, as political bloggers, we hope to foster new discussions on environmentalism as well as libertarianism through discussing our perspectives on current issues. For the uninitiated, environmentalism is a broad movement focusing on employing individual and governmental power to address the health of the environment and for environmental protection. On the other hand, libertarianism is a distinct philosophy dedicated towards advocating minimal state intervention in people's lives.

These two ideologies often conflict with each other as libertarianism is heavily focused on individual freedom while environmentalism seeks governmental and communal power to combat environmental issues. However, there are cases where the values of libertarianism such as private property rights in regards to natural resources can be extremely beneficial for environmentalism.

Nevertheless, we aim to explore these excellent topics throughout the entire year and definitely collaborate on issues that involve the two values.

Thus, let us continue on this journey and welcome to these new perspectives.

-Talaial and Jinxing


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