Sunday, November 2, 2014

Posted by Jinx |
With Wolf up 15% in polls 2 days before game time, Corbett's run as governor is on the ropes. Pennsylvania has had enough of Corbett's ignorance of schools and support of big business. One major issue that is attracting many voters across the state is education. Wolf has advocated for strong education policies that will both fuel the economy and satisfy the many unhappy citizens of Pennsylvania. 50% of voters cite dissatisfaction with Corbett, something that many teachers of Philadelphia cite as well. Wolf proposes a 5% severance tax on gas and an income tax that will help offset the $1 Billion cut on education made by Corbett. With this funding the school district will be free to lower property taxes. With a strong educational system, Wolf believes that more jobs will be created and will stay in PA.

On other issues, Wolf opposes the privatization of liquor stores and supports the ban of the sale of assault weapons. He also advocates for legislation that would enable a broader use of marijuana for medicinal purposes. The problem though, will Wolf be able to implement all of his policies with a legislature controlled by the Republican party?

On the other side, Corbett blames the revenue to the education cuts as a result of an expiration of a federal stimulus. In reality though, Corbett allowed the funding of education to drop instead of using state revenues to maintain the Basic Education Funding formula. On the good side though, Corbett supports the privatization of the state liquor system, which could bring up to a billion dollars in revenue.

Whether Corbett wins reelection or Wolf carries the votes of the dissatisfied, there is no doubt that there will be major changes to the fiscal policies of PA. In one candidate the education of our state will be adequately funded, but at what cost? Money does not just magically appear because someone was voted in, it has to come from somewhere.(Let me give you a hint: YOU) But on the other hand do we want to entrust the next 4 years of our state to Corbett? Whatever happens, I feel like Pennsylvanians will be losing something and will have to live with their decision. 


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