Sunday, November 23, 2014

Posted by Jinx |
Tom Steyer, a billionare hedge fund manager, reportedly spent $57 million of his own money on this November’s midterm elections to elect democrats. You would expect money = win, but things didn’t exactly turn out that way. Of the 7 democrats that Steyer and his group, NextGen Climate, spent a total of $85 million on, only 3 won. This sounds like a tremendous lost of money to a poor little soul like me, but apparently the money was “incredibly well spent”.
What did Steyer accomplish? He succeeded in bringing the issue of climate onto the frontlines, when it had always been a side issue. Steyer was able to create 350,000 “climate voters” that would help bring environmental issues to their local governments, hopefully increasing their numbers for the 2016 presidential election.

So why did so many Democrats lose despite an overwhelming amount of money being injected into their campaign? A Huffington Post article blames “Cognitive Dissonance”. Although a majority of Americans believe that global warming is a problem, many decided to vote in Republicans with opposing views. Some Republicans are skeptical of global warming, while others doubt its existence. How in the world did this happen? The ole' blame the Obama tactic, although many of his environmental policies have been supported by a majority of Americans, many voters were either too upset or uninformed to make a smart decision. The consequences? Probably major repeals in Obama's environmental protection policies. Good job guys! Murica'


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