Saturday, November 29, 2014

Posted by Jinx |
The National Weather Service’s air quality index for ozone reports that 60 - 75 ppb is “moderate” while 0 - 59 ppb is “Good”. The EPA(Environmental Protection Agency) has recently proposed to strengthen air quality regulations so that ground-level ozone levels are between 65-70 parts per billion(ppb) down from the current 75 ppb set in 2008. The EPA predicts that this will prevent up to a potential 960,000 child deaths from asthma. The agency also predicts that $6.4 to $13 billion for a 70 ppb standard and $19 to $38 billion for a 65 ppb standard would be saved annually from health costs associated with asthma, missed school days, premature deaths, and heart attacks.

Red: Areas violating a 60ppb standard
Orange: Areas anticipated to violate
These numbers sound high and mighty, but what’s the catch? There’s always a catch. Ross Eisenberg, VP of energy and resources at the National Association of Manufactures (NAM) says in a National Geographic article, “It will be the most expensive regulation of all time.” A study commissioned by the NAM reported that these new regulations could cost America $270 billion in GDP per year and 2.9 million jobs per year on average through 2040. The American Petroleum Institute predicts that PA will be expected to lose up to $193.8 billion in Gross State Product from 2017 to 2040 and 197,126 jobs annually.

So what’s the problem again? Ya, you guessed it, $$$ v. Environment. Of course money, jobs, work, and a good economy are all essential to our nation’s continued development and prosperity, but as a nation we have to decide where to draw the line, before it’s too late.  


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